Thursday, 14 April 2011

Anthony Bernard oliver

Anthony Bernard Oliver Oller in Memories 25 February 1990 - ?? April 2011

Post ini aku bukan nak cerita tp aku masukkn cerita.. dri FB ke blog aku....
sepanjang kami kenali Anthony Bernard Oliver Oller..... die mmg kawan yang seronok... aku suke lihat die tersenyum...... senyuman die begitu manis..... pemergian die dalam hidup kami mmg akan beri kejutan la... sehinga aku pon demam panas... tak sangka orang yang sebaik itu.. di bunuh dengan kejam oleh.... BINATANG tuh.. aku xpggil dorang manusia sebb lebih teruk dari binatang.....
Between Anthony B Oliver and You

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales February 2 at 12:27am
A:anak yatim piatu itu DIPUKUL oleh ayah nya
B:anak yatim piatu itu DIPUKULI oleh ayah nya

SERIOUS: do you have girl friend?


Anthony B Oliver February 2 at 12:32am Report
AS01: B
AS02: i already have a gf :)
AP03: Of course :D

thanks for the (Q) haha.

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales February 2 at 12:45am
AS01 is wrong.. the answer is an orphanage doesn't have a father (quite silly isn't the answer)

AS02:owh huhuhu....


ni adalah mesej 2nd last aku ngn die....

Between Anthony B Oliver and You

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales February 2 at 8:22pm
it will be my pleasure

Anthony B Oliver February 3 at 12:15am Report

yg mesej last....

last skali borak sebelom die berangkat g cuti....
dekat chat.......... last word "I'll buy souvenir for all of you guys"... Dan-e Eastwood
saya baru sahaja dapat mesej drpd Jamal Jdin bahawa Ben Bernard Oliver telah hilang sejak bulan march di lautan pasifik ketika sedang bercuti.Kepada umat islam di kelab ini saya memohon utk sama2lah kita berdoa utk keselamatan dia supaya dia dijumpai dlm keadaan yg sempurna dan sihat walaupun dia berlainan agama..
on Sunday

berita petama yg kami tahu.....

dan berita seterusnya.... dan info2 yg kami dpt...

Flight is delayed

10 April 2011 - Was surprised when an a plane suddenly lost without being detected near the Hawaiian islands. there were eight people and pilots and guides are also suddenly lost when making an emergency landing.

Report informed that one of them is the son of a Senior Officer of Britain and also a novelist.

U.S. police forensic teams and companies with the help of the international airport Honolulu, Hawaii was still looking for the signal left by a plane.
Ladybear Aresha, Hamzi Sazali, Dan-e Eastwood, Nazirul Anas, Safiya Rogue and other(s) please read this
on Tuesday

ni la bru kami dpt tahu bahawa ben telah tiada.........
tp hari sebenar2 nye ben mati hari aper.......

Jamal Jdin
rasa memang tak puas hati dengan orang yang membunuh tu, sanggup membunuh orang lain tanpa rasa belas kasihan... fikir dia tu apa?! agak lah pun nak membunuh orang tu ada family, ada kawan, ada adik untuk dijaga... tak rasa kesian ke??
tunggu sahaja bila hari itu tiba... biar kau rasa!

  • Ladybear Aresha likes this.
    • Ladybear Aresha jamal, mari kita buat solat hajat mlm ini, semoge pembunuh yang kejam itu dpt blsan yg setimpalnya.
      Tuesday at 11:37pm · · 2 peopleLoading...
    • Jamal Jdin setuju..
      Tuesday at 11:40pm ·
    • Jamal Jdin manusia sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi kepentingan diri sendiri...
      Tuesday at 11:44pm ·
    • Jamal Jdin mangkuk punye pembunuh
      Tuesday at 11:44pm ·
    • Ladybear Aresha sedangkan umat islam pun saling membunh kan?
      Tuesday at 11:45pm ·
    • Jamal Jdin sbb tu diberitahu MANUSIA tak kira agama apa-apa sekalipun
      Tuesday at 11:45pm · · 1 person

Yang terselamat
Maria Ahmed
Dianna Glind

Simon Jr.

Mati diBunuh
Martin Oxwell
Will Cosmor
Warmer Johson
Anthony B. Oliver
Liton Taylor

By Joe Willis

12 April 2011-Vacation is a full series of tragic murders. This is the tenth case occurred in the Hawaiian islands. Authorities Britain with the help and cooperation from the United Stated will be classified this case as a breach of trust.

The surviving victims of these homicides are Glind Diana, 27, and Maria Ahmed, 25, and another is still missing and the identity is not known. the impact of forensic identity was still on the loose named Mike Louis, 33 he was worked as a travel agent in singapore ,malaysia and hawaii. He also served as secretary of Britain and his top officials dismissed the breach of trust as well as take away the money involved in corruption. He was also arrested and imprisoned for 3 years.

The reporters from different companies do not allow their coverage of this case because this case was never solved. We also can not disclose names of the dead.


Hamzi Sazali
sye msh ingt; ben pernah berkata 'sye tak sabar tnggu 15 mei', malangnya perkara 2 x smpat berlaku hanya berakhir 12 april ='(

Jamal Jdin
read carefully Maria Ahmed said "before he died he say something bout "hadah".
I felt the time was now critical for me. Indeed we saw them tortured and then killed. There is beaten until his head is crushed to cut up alive I feel really really want to die and feel to give up in life. We really can not do anything. Our tie up the hands, feet and tied the string around our necks. We are given three choices for the time being the first to give a sum of hundreds of million pounds, the second ordered division of property and the signing of the third rank and we were made to work against the government of Europe."

Ladybear Aresha what is hadah?

Dan-e Eastwood maybe dua kalimah syahadah..

Ladybear Aresha dan-e.. yeke? hmm mungkin juga..

Dan-e Eastwood tu la musykil juga kalau ben mengucap dua kalimah syahadah..tapi kalau betul syukur lah..

Ladybear Aresha kadg2 sbelum org meninggal dieowg nmpk petunjukkn.. semoga Allah berikan pertunjuk ke pada ben di akhirat sane

Everyone read this
This tragedy happen at Anthony and They Friend's

30 March 2011 - He Last online facebook and he living home goes to vacation.
31 March 2011 - He vacation at Singapore for 3 Days
1 April 2011 - Ben tell his father someone follow them
2 April - They all plan going to Hawaii using private plane
5 April 2011 - They private plane lost contact with Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii
7 April 2011 - FBI with cooperation Marine Police finding the lost private plane
9 April 2011 - They found that private plane at small island near Hawaii. Pilot and Co-Pilot death at private plane beating their heads crushed.
11 April 2011 - FBI with Forensic found death body at the bag left at Honolulu Island. Then they are found all of them only two girl survive and all of them dead.

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales ‎13 hari.....

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales kejam...

Dan-e Eastwood tak sangka,sape yg follow ben?org tu follow ben sampai ke hawaii ke?

Hamzi Sazali Z.A.L.I.M :'(

Ladybear Aresha thats is not human ! but a beast ! devil ! monster ! demon !

Ladybear Aresha ‎31 march ben masih anta posting kt fb en.. and ade chat pon ngn die time tuh

IsoyaMasaki Gonzales tau xpe... die kate die nk blikn souvenier tuk kite.............

Ladybear Aresha jamal rancang nk beli skateboard untuk ben.. tgh pkr kan hadiah ape nk bg kt ben sblum die pindah..

Rest In Peace
Anthony B. Oliver

No Farewell Words Were Spoken
No Time To Say Goodbye
...You Were Gone Before Knew It
Only God Knows Why

Our Hearts Still Ache In Sadness
And Secret Tears Still Flow
What It Mean To Lose You
No One Will Ever Know
See More

Eh, aku lambat tau cerita! Takziah kepada Ben Bernard Oliver, ok dia baik sangat. Dia respect agama Islam, dia ramai sangat kawan melayu. Rest in peace friend :') Baru ingat nak jumpa dia May ni masa Hari Belia :(

online back this Thursday
Enjoy my holiday's
March 30 at 1:24am · ·
Point the biggest skeptic out Ill make em a believer.
March 31 at 9:02am · · wall post terakhir BEN.........................................

so sad..................................

we know how happy he is bout the holiday...

ello ! hye? ben? what's up?
where have u been?
long time no see you???
April 4 at 11:56pm

post dri adik aku.. sbb ben xonline.....
die jnji nk on9... tp xon9........

Hey u, missing u frm fb!
April 5 at 3:05am

safiya also mesej him.....

comeback. we miss you ben.
Monday at 11:32am

Sae Ogino wish he come back soon!:(Monday at 1:09pm

this one my sister send it on the morning..... before we know bout ben...

‎:Ben Bernard Oliver, Jamal Jdin i want to show u this... and hopely ben can read it too... if i know this could happen. i upload it early.

:Dan-e Eastwood

adik aku buat untuk ben sbgai hadiah die sblm die pg...... tp xsmpat kasi... die PERGI....

mesej di wall ben selepas berita pemergian die...

takziah untuk Ben Bernard Oliver, dia merupakan sahabat yang baik dan memahami. ben... semoge kamu aman di sana.
ben thnks sebab pernah jadi kawan baik saye.. ben... thnks 4 everything
Tuesday at 10:04pm

KELAB BELIA TAKTIK, kehilangn seorng admin n hero yg sngt hebat Ben Bernard Oliver setelah terbunuh dlm sa2 kejadian, TAKZIAH... ='(

takziah kepada Ben Bernard Oliver

This page I (Christine her sister's) will deactivate this Account in May 2011 any last word (sympathy) you can post to his wall because this owner has passed away.

Christine Ben Young Sister's
Yesterday at 12:11am

I only know him in short period of time...
but it feel like already been a many year....
I'm really miss him.....
his smile give a warmth feel in our heart...
even in different races different religious...
...he never pickky to be friend of...
he is always in my prays.......
christine... I feel empty now......
i was shocked bout how this thing happen.....
I really admire him..... very2 much...
See More
Yesterday at 1:10am

even he is in different religious...
we as a muslim still can pray for him....
because he is a good person....
thanx Ben Bernard Oliver for accepted me as your friend..
you always in my memory......

hati ku masih sedih dengan pemergian seorang sahabat....
Ben Bernard Oliver still remembering you...

because you are amazing..
just the way you are....

i miss you....
rest in peace ben...
die di tembak 8 das di dada......
kepala di hentak batu 4 kali......

kesian kat die.. dah tiada nyawa.. tp masih diseksa....
mmg binatang org yang buat tuh..................................

ingat lg mse die request nk minta clip nyanyi lgu just the way u are.....
aku buat tp xanta kt die.... sedih kn......

apa ape hal pon for Anthony Bernard Oliver Oller....
rest in peace....
alway remember you...............................

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